Sunday, 1 November 2015

Oldhammer Night of the Living Lead Day

Had a superb day at the Oldhammer night of living lead day at Wargames Foundry, as normal I took my pens and bits and also a collection of my terrain for them to uses.

 Meet up with a very old friend Wayne England artist extraordinary and had the pleasure of him and Victoria his wife company all day, great people, Diane ,Marcus and Bryan as normal were the perfect hosts to us all. Wargames Foundry is a family  feeling when you go there.
James  asked me to draw  for him and his request was I hope filled by  a Barbarian  well endowed princess, he said next time a bigger? sister is his request, always a joy to talk and  see him and the others ,Paul, Steve. Steve, Stuart, Richard and the others

 Here is some pictures of the game they played  asI was asked as normal for pictures, I believe you will not see  such talented work and superb miniatures on  many tables elsewhere, Iam always so impressed by the level of miniatures at the events. And have to say this the  company was  of rank and a pleasure to be with the Oldhammers.


  1. Always a pleasure to see you Tony and thanks again for the illustrations you did for us - a great memento!

    Thanks also for the fantastic scenery you loaned us for the game - especially the Wicker Man. Shame Edward Woodwardwood didn't escape though...

  2. A fantastic day, and I have to say that it wouldn't have been nearly as good without your contributions! Many thanks!

  3. Great looking game, figures, terrain and atmosphere all look top notch.

  4. Looks like a good time was had by all.

  5. Always a pleasure to see you Tony.

  6. What a superb day it looked dude!

  7. Wicker man looks great. What is it made from?

  8. I wanted a wickerman for my celts and was influenced by the slaine comic strip long ago so i made one out of milliput al the building are also milliput cover over card or plastic that i took to the game day, i would suggest rolling it getting it on the surface then plenty of water as a medium it will seal great actually.
