Saturday 1 May 2021

Heroes, Pulp and Pigs, painted up


Managed to finish of some of my new miniatures, above are some Wargames Atlantic plastics I converted, to a temporal agent and Dr Satan from my games
Back to my Masters of the Universe collection more additions

            Count Binface from trashcan games, and another superhero for my collection
I got the Wargames Atlantic Partizans plastic set and  played around creating some Pulp. horror characters, using some other spare plastics, very impressed with what  I finished up with.

                              Tanget games  Apocalyptic heroes and bad guys nice to paint
                                                      Studio games  cube Demons 
Studio miniatures  characters I needed
A new company i never heard of MEP miniatures very nice  characters
                                              From the same Company some cannibal pigs ...