Saturday, 3 August 2019

Day 2 BOYL 2019

 Day 2 and well more people more games more guests,  Amazing day, many  gamers  come to  play and enjoy the great atmosphere of the BOYL 2019,. I took as many pictures as i could wandering and chatting and doing some art to the fine collection of Ladies and gentlemen assembled at Foundry. The standard of game and variety was  to behold. From all over the globe we had many  talented people who came to be infused by the event, the foundry staff were as always top work and  a delight. Thanks to Diane , Maria,Alisa, Lucy and Harry  for there help and Sam for running the shop and helping all.  Wonderful day and  company, New friends and old and some from the distant past.
The pictures below are in no order just taken to what time I had, fantastic miniatures terrain, and games, after the game table are some pictures of some the people I had the honor to talk and meet.
Special thank to Bryan, Big Tony A , John B  who helped us with the painting comp,  Garth for just being himself , Amy and Phil, Paul  D  and  Dave W  and Mark S, your company along with the other  old hammers was  a delight, Thank you for a great time...


  1. Tony thanks for sharing all your photos. Really enjoyed visiting with you again this year. Cya at Boyl 2020!!!

  2. Thanks for sharing your pics Tony. It was great to meet you and discuss the finer points of how to ensure a miniature sells ;).

  3. Great pictures. I went for the first time this year on the Sunday..The display cabinets were amazing!
