Sunday, 14 August 2011

CROM game miniatures

Conan & Sonja
The great wargamer Matakishi, has created a work in progress
of some table top rules for Conan, his insperation got me to
return to my fantasy stuff and get some models for play.
My collection is 2% of what it was regarding fantsy miniatures
but I have loved finding and sorting out pieces..

Elric & Korga

Slayer & Priestess

The Evil ones

Masters of death

My cards for the gme anyone wishing a copy E mail me,

I will send you a jpeg

Nothing to do with CROM but theses are from my 7TV

Friday, 5 August 2011

7TV Characters Hugo,and from 2000 and 3000

My new miniatures arived this week and had to paint them up wonderful stuff
heres the results so far, Hugo, the man from 200 and 3000, a sexy lass along with 2 heavys
the head on the coated heavy is from Pig Iron, naking a fearsom heachman.