Tuesday 29 December 2015

Old Dungeons and Dragons player characters art and a Tekumel one

 Many great memories of my times with good company playing Dungeons and Dragons, we developed some  wonderful stories and adventures which pehaps only other D&D gamers can ever comprehend. 
I have been working on bringing them up to the  end of the year 2015 with my art work and thoguht i would share my art. 
Above is the Warmaster Wolff Blackmaine with Fear fang the  dire Wolf and Una Tye the Assassin
 Red Boris a dwarf of renown and hero to all
 Tablet the Dwarf and again Una Tye a devastating pair of characters
 Long time villain and  force to be reconed with the Majesty of the Broo Queen, she caused so much trouble in many adventures also chased poor Ranamok all over the globe after he spurned her advances
 The  evil one himself  Lord Zytra of the Mind flayers, a true bad guy in all sense, I have in my head the rest of the characters and will lay them to image soon.
Howard Fielding is the Tekumel Guru to me and  a good friend, this is for  the world he works so hard on.

Saturday 26 December 2015

Infinity Terrain finished

 I wanted these for a time and  now just finished them for my table top Micro arts did the generator and  Amtenocitis the rest, nice pieces and look great.

Monday 21 December 2015

New Artwork Dec 2015

 I have  posted these pieces of art i have worked on using my Manga studio and photshop, Inspired by games and the  worlds I enjoy, If i offend then please don't look, its never my intention

Saturday 19 December 2015

Ariadna part 2, re-based Aleph and Furcots

 Part 2 of my Infinity force finished off the big guys and specialists enjoyed painting them a lot and pleased with the end result, hope to see some action soon
 My Infinity aleph force i was not happy with the bases so I bought some from Antenocitis workshop and very happy with the end, My mate Drew advised me and  it worked perfect.

Some very old castings of mine return to my collection , made for myself but lost in time, based on the Midworld novels the Furcots 3 eyes 6 limbed tree dwellers.

Saturday 12 December 2015

150,000 hits thank you all!

What can i say ?, I am always amazed by the number of  people who come to see this blog, 150.000 hits and 200 followers?. I enjoy all the comments and   hope you like what I display . I can only  thank you all so much for your time to view and I hope I inspire some times to play games and paint miniatures and  perhaps even draw pictures.

Many here who visit I have had the  personal pleasure of meeting in the real world , most I enjoy there company and there blogs and pages on the net a lot.

Be safe my friends and look after each other were onto 200.000 next.

Infinity Ariadna, nomads and some buildings

 Started my Ariadna collection for my Infinity games this week and thought I would share here is the main man  Rodger Van Zant  wonderful miniature loads of character and style , really enjoyed paining him
 A Hardcase from the  Ariadna  army again just a brilliant miniature 
 The start along with some grunts i painted up and finished lots more to do but Iam so happy with the army.
 And this one I wanted for ages Nomads Carlota Howalisky and Moriorty , unfortunately the head on the  Corlota was  just not detailed enough and once painted was lost completely , I did a head swap and hope I still captured the  miniature?
And these 4 Ground buildings wanted them for along time for our games and , started building them What can i say but there amazing work, strong and  look great, 4 more to finish and some walls , I would recommend them the price is worth it

Wednesday 2 December 2015

Frostgrave ,Thaw of the Lich Lord painted

 As part of the Nickstarter I had to have  some new miniatures, here is my results at painting the ones I received.
 The cultists are perhaps one of the best plastic sets i have  ever had the joy to  stick together, loads of character and  pose. 
 I did have a varnish problem but  hope it does not show