Sunday 25 October 2015

Darksword babes, Reaper bones, Warmachine and the Batman

Darksword ladies painted up lovley miniatures to paint , perfect sculpts as always
 Reaper bones  for my fantasy games  
A Warmachne command group  i had to buy  great poses and solid miniatures
 My good friend Drew sent me this guy? we know who  wonderful gift thank you buddy
 More Reaper bones miniatures take paint well and look as good as metal
These are also Drew's fault he got me inot the Batman miniatures game, nice miniatures more to come

Thursday 8 October 2015

Reaper Bones, LAF miniatures and a Mat

 Got these from the  Donnington convention Reaper bones wonderful miniatures also 2 LAF female militia 
 great piece will be used for all sorts of games even as just a terrain piece.
 A great barbarian i painted to add to my frostfgrave/brass legion army
 Armoured knight another for my  frostgrave/brass legion
 A must to buy a great barbarian 
 these 2 ladies I saw and  instantly wanted for my games perfect for all 
 the cigar mat  laid out, very impressed, as i said it wil do for many of all my games