Saturday 22 October 2011

7Tv Comic "children of the corn"

Evil woman of the 7Tv world

7TV the Dardevils

More form the 7TV world

7TV Annual cover

Bit of fun 1973 7Tv annual hehehehhehe

Friday 21 October 2011

Department X

Something for my buddy Dr Warlock from the forum

Thursday 20 October 2011

7Tv cast art

More art man from2000, Hugo, Pandora,

Argo and Ms Bridge

More 7TV art

Tuesday 18 October 2011

7TV art

2 of my favorites form the 7TV universe

Campaign Day Two I won !

Had a nice suprise, I found out i had come first in the Campaign Day Two at Moot hall on Saturday the 15th, Andy of Anisty sent me my prizes that arrived today...Thnaks to Anisty and CD for a great day and its nice to win amoungst my peers and friends of the forum..

Saturday 15 October 2011

7TV Campaign Day Two

Had a great day out at the CD 7TV campaign day at Moot hall. Meet some great people off
the forum , and had a good days gaming, nice to put RL faces to avatars and interact with
like minded people.. thanks to Andy and CD for the day, as far asi know when i left my team was second placed in the days games... Dept X (abouve is the demise of an enemy team you dared to take on Soloman and Pandora to there cost, was actualy a briliant game hehe)
Terrain tables below wonderful set ups and a joy to play on..

Monday 3 October 2011

Gun guys & Crooked Dice villans

Rouge minaitures Reaper and Crooked dice minis, loved painting them
Optivisor again ensured iwa not disapointed.....