I have always have a fond respect and love of the Brutality rules by Scott Wainwright since the first book came out; I have got I believe most of the latter releases, and for me some thing that's so important the rules work! When i saw the latest expansion Mass Brutality it interested me as to what Scott Wainwright had added to his system. to use any miniatures any period and fight battle beyond the skirmish world.
I ordered the PDF and a hard copy via his website and read through what was different, it is very different, some ideas make his overview of existing stat's and ideas ex[and to numbers of miniatures playable from infantry, vehicles and monsters all work in a game system, getting my head around the idea I decided to give it a play test.
I have quite a collection of DUNE inspired STL's and these gave me a basis for the stat line and traits, some thing to work from, it actually took less time to make up the units than I thought, and both sides fitted on one page, with the basics sorted I laid out a table using my new 40k kill zone terrain and followed the first scenario.
The imperials were 4 sections of 1 unit of 4 modules each the Sardaauker being quality hand to hand, 2 4 modules of Harkonnen hand to hand and one unit of shooters also 4 modules.
The Freemen opposition were also of 4 modules, basic melee freemen and an Elite Fedaykin who I for got had 5 hits not 3, did not affect the game but some thing to highlight.

Scenario 1 is a stand up fight over 5 objectives and points for unit kills. the Imperials out numbered the Freemen and it did not take long for blades to clash the Sardaukar hitting the right Freemen hard, while the rest shooters taking position and firing on the advancing Fedaykin, they smashed into a unit of Harkonnens who the promptly wiped out, the center Freemen took and objective and made way to help the ones fighting the Sardauker on the right, only to be charges by the second melee Harkonnens, these decimated the Freemen with some amazing rolls. The Fedayking charged the defending Harkonnen shooters who stood firm against the elites, the Saudauker wiped out the right flank of Freemen and went for an objective, the center untouched Harkonnens who had slaughtered the freemen then rear charged the Elite Fedayking talking them out to the man.
Working out the points the Imperials were 6 and the Freemen 4 , the game played fast and was fun to play, I did forget a number of things and working out the combat some times stalled, but as I said the game system works. I will sort some more lists and try monsters and other things. If you have played Brutality I recommend this one, or if you want to game with you collection from any period or genere please give it a try..
As always my thought only.
Be safe my friends.