Wednesday 27 October 2021

New miniatures sculpted and painted

 After a long time I decided to make some more miniatures for my collection, inspired by comics and ideas, I made a few and painted them up, Iam happy with the end results..

be safe my friends

Sunday 3 October 2021

Bring out your Lead 2021


As many know I have not been well for some months, slowly recovered, I am always invited to the Bring out your Lead (BOYL) meeting at Wargames Foundry. there was no meeting last year and this one delayed, so I looked forward to the days.

I was given star treatment by Foundry they look after me, and I consider them much more than friends, Diane, Maria, Marcus , Lucy, Harry and a lovely new addition Naomi, who was my taxi on both days, there are other staff and helpers who made the event  superb for me and those who attended. The food was superb Lucy and co excelled themselves. 

I had the honor of a friend of mine the great Tony Ackland as my partner in crime over the event, he brought is art and had found New things in a Draw he said which delighted many a long with his past wonders, we spent many hours talking to the  company around us and explaining and telling the tales we knew..

The event as perhaps a little smaller than normal, but the content of games miniatures and enthusiasm was not diminished in any part, people brought their miniatures scenery and ideas along with a BOYL trait of to enjoy whatever, I meet  my old friends and made new ones, who's like minded and passion we enjoy, it was for me a pleasure to  be in there company. new people and those who just came to see I believe enjoyed the event. 

We ran the usual "we don't have a painting competition" competition run by Garth and me, and judged by Garth, me and  Mark Stevenson, the standard I would say was so high it was the most difficult to judge this year and i have judged them all. photos of the miniatures  I think are on far better blogs and sites as i was engaged in other things, they are worth a look!.

I know many who attend and some are  dear friends I regard as  close, I cannot name all but Dave Wood, Mark Stevenson and his  lovely wife Gemma who I  meet, Paul, James, Stuart, Harry, Steve and many more , and I was delighted that  Ewelina and her husband brought little Anji, fantastic to see her. I will apologize if I missed any one in the words but it was a pleasure to see you all. Thank you Foundry and 
Garth and all for the days, be safe my dear friends.

Pictures in no order just from me...