Me and Alec between us bought 2 toy trains to use for our games and today we tested them out, using the shunting yard location and the get them out alive scenario we set upon the game
we laid out 2 trains and 3 moving waggon , all would be moved in the movement turn in order of rolls of a dice with the companies engaged
a long road separated the lines and 10 civilians were places randomly
Alec used the Scotland yard company and had a huge amount of officers
I used my Lord of light company and included the fearsome Fearfang
Old Vic God bless her had some how got lost and was wandering the shunting yards of tooting alone she was dangerious to the dark forces the yard had dispatched a force to find her as quickly as possible and the Lords of light had to find her fast before some thing really dark happened to the Queen of England
Waggons rolled a D6 move and the Trains a D 10
the Lord of light enter the yard searching for her Majesty Una leading the party on the centre
the Yard moves en mass to find the Queen pistols and truncheons ready
A mobile officer spots the queen and moves in
A weasel makes a darting target in and out of the goods and boxes
the waggons make life difficult to spot and see anything
the yard splits up and advances
the mobile officer takes on the Lord of light but is no match for her blade
Fear fang moves fast into the Police ranks the detective his target he officer stands his ground against that devil beast
another officer makes his way to the trains hoping to get the jump on the enemy
Fear fang rips and tears In to the the officers
just how bad the game is with moving terrain (we actually laughed so much my ribs ache)
Dr Thanos and some chosen try to pick out targets
the Ace in the yards company is a Sgt with a heavy machine gun but he breaks the thing fist time he tries it( a 1 followed by another 1 is so funny )
Una dispatched the bouncing officer and grabs the Queen
the detective mounts the moving train to get closer his mechanical dog follows
Wolff shoots at the advancing coppers
Dr Thanos drops anther officer his pistol skills proving there worth
an officer fires missed Miss Tye and hits her Majesty god bless the bustle saving her arse
that's a hit on her Majesty not good
Fear fang takes apart the detective he is ripped to shreds by the beast
the weasel falls to the blows of 2 officers
a brave officer intercedes and attack firing his revolver close range
the Fr and Sgt charge the mighty Fearfang
Dr Thanos seeks a better advantage
claws. teeth and terror versus the might of her Majesty's police force
the shot hits her Majesty who falls down Una spin and removes the foolish constables head for is bravado
grabbing the fallen Queen Una drags her to the safety of the streets beyond and there waiting airship
the moving trains make for great cover but make firring so hard
Wolff fights off the officers felling many but is knocked done by shear numbers
Dr Thanos is hoot atop the moving train by a carbine armed officer
the Dr and the Sgt finally subdue the beast but Miss Tye reaches the escape route and the battle is over
the game end s 19 -8 to the Lords of light, extreme fun and enjoyment. the moving terrain made a great game and was very good to fight on,
newly painted Tart with a gun from the LTD IHMN series Nick sent me one, perhaps for all my blogs or to pay me off
Tekumel project painted the Sacrifice set and victims on posts
Multiple uses and great miniatures