Thursday 28 February 2013


What can i say but thank you for the view on my blog i reached the amazing 35,000.

Saturday 23 February 2013

Sculpted mini TAL HAJUS Green Martian Warlord

Returned to a miniature i have been working on for about 3 years hes the Evil Tal Hajus from the warlord of mars books, hes to lead my green martian bad guys in my games, hes a big lad.
 Comparison shot with some of my own green warriors and tin mans Mars miniatures...

Wednesday 20 February 2013

Warrior of the continum

 Did a series of art work long ago, baised on a character i used for almost 30 years+
 I was  wanting a new version in miniature for my games and decided to make my own using heroclix  as a base and a head from CD games hers the result, the mauser is from tin mn

Sunday 17 February 2013

Legion of Monsters and new paint jobs

 A lovley set from Anisty miniatures side
 Some old Ral parth I could not resist form Hammerhead again fo Anastys stall
 2 Ironclad miniature VSF minis great  miniatures
 Hero clix  Zombie Simon Garth one of my all time favorite character and
 The  lord of the undead himself Dracula ,was the best horror strip Marvel ever did
Big Barda brilliant DC character created by uncle Jack and Red hood a great  comic series
 Living mummy and the monster awesome
 3 slave girls i got form a kickstarter you can never have enough
Black canary and lady Black hawk

Wednesday 13 February 2013

Thulsa Doom & Thoth-Amon miniatures(and 2 more painted lovleys)

 For a long time i looked and wanted some minis to represent 2 of Conan!s villans , then i found a box of old GW painted miniaturesi had in the back of a store, and these 2 I think fit perfectly, re-baised them to match my  collaction Iam so happy,
Finished this lovley steam punk lady and my first Reaper bones miniature , very  very impressed i cannot wait for the  release of the whole kickstarter.

Sunday 10 February 2013

Hammerhead convention 2013

 Had a good day at the Hammerhead  convention at Newark, run by the COGS wargames group, despite the weather warnings all was Ok if a little damp, Nice venue as normal and some nice display/participation games on show, i took pictures of as many as i could if i missed any forgive me. meet old freinds and  had a good chat . Got what i went for  purchase wise and  was happy...