Played 2 IHMN games today using the 2 of the new companies from the second Book Heroes, Villains and Fiends, an Apache and US secret service company
laid out the miners camp as setting and we played VIP
the VIP Karl the big bad teddy
Apaches shining bear, bear, medicine man, champion 5 warriors and 2 lesser deamons
OSS jack, Hetty a SGT 6 special Agents and 3 native scouts and Rin tin tin
the Apache move in to get Karl
OSS hopes to shoot them up before any one grabs the teddy
Natice Scouts take positons with there rifles and skills
The Bear/Deamon charges forward
Shining bear grabs Karl as Rin tin tin dives onto the frey hoping to slow them down
Crossing the water is slower and the OSS make it to the other side
Trying to flank the Indians
A marksman shoots the champion down first kill to the OSS
2 more follow to arc Rifles and long range fire cover giving no protection to the scouts
Rin tin tin is floored and dispite running the OSS loose Karl to the Apache
We found we still had time so played death at there heels using the same compaines and altering the exisiting terrain , Karl waits on the Air boat for whoever gets there first and avoids the Avalance of deadly snow
compaines take places and are on the run
table layout thye must reach the boat before the impending doom
OSS tries to cut off the Apache
running to the ship to gain advantage
The Bear /Deamon wants blood and attacks the OSS
Jack fires and moves dodging the arrows and spears as he goes
the scouts take up places to take pot shits at the apache
Rin tin tin reaches the boat
the wall of snow appers and does not move fast perhaps the end is not so near
Jack and Hetty shoot the Apache down but the Medicine man recovers them again and again
A spear kills the poor dog
OSS and Apache clash hand to hand combat
2 Deamons fight the OSS sgt
the OSS are no match for shning bears magic he makes them run to fight each other
Raging battle near the boat as the snow moves on slowly
the Medicine man again revise a fallen warrior
the fight between the Deamons and OSS continues
The snow starts to gather pace one Deamon and 2 Agents are crushed
the bear runs but is over run from the advacing death
Hetty is caught in a hand to hand with the Medicine man and there both taken
the last scout makes for the boat as jack is surrounded by the Apache
he falls to the champions axe and the Apache are victorious as the snow is on there heels
OSS casualtys
taken by the snow
Brilliant afternoons entertainment , the new compaines are great and both scenarios are real fun to play, learned alot again use marksmen don't move if you can help it, healers are a must the bloody Apache were always getting back up, Arc weapons work close range very well if you can afford them..
Brilliant game and we very impressed