So we played Blood eagle again the 4th scenario Bring them back alive, warbands must locate missing Pearson and escort them off the table point, Alec brought his Draugr warband, I used the Saxon list and composed a Arthur Knights warband of heavy armed warriors. we rolled up the location which was a set of ruins, Alec laid it out (one of his favourite parts of any game) .
the complications we chose armed civilians and I suggested the ruins were the place of the cannibal Wendol, and to make it very interesting they attack anyone within 6" and move random if not engages or line of sight of any one not a Wendol, each table quarter we rolled a D10 +2 for the number randomly placed
The setting
Arthur's war band heavy armoured wariors Gawain his second in command
the Dreaded Wendol stalked the ruins , after placing how many there were we knew it was going to be a bloody affair
Klinsten the lost boy
Alecs warband Glars, Tilga Soggan and there warriors
Must reach him and get off the entry point easy ?? not when your outnumbered 4-1 by Cannibals
Arthur s men enter and already see the numbers who react to them, blades and spears ready for the onslaught
Glars men rush the pave way but find there surrounded
"Prepare your selfs"
One of Arthur's men rushes a Wendol female but is surrounded my 3 vicious tribes men
Arthur takes them head on urging his men to get the boy
Glars is jumped he swings his axe in defence
His men are also engaged by the savages
Battle is joined on both sides
the hapless knight is cut down by blows around him he never stood a chance
Glars cuts a path but they keep coming
Arthur slays 2 Wendol but more fill the gaps
his knights fight for there very lives
Glars starts to make progress atop the dead and dying around him
Arthur still is not making it to the target
Beset on all sides the knight s fight on
Soggan reaches the boy and grabs him to find Wendol and enemy knights moving in on him fast
is some places the fight are 3 -1
bodies start to pile up
Glars rushes to aid and stop the enemy getting to Soggin to find himself surrounded
A Wendol blade ends his life ( we realised he had no hero points so that was it for him)
Arthur struggles on 5-1
His knights see the enmey fleeing with the boy
undaunted they fight on as the wendlol still charge onto them
Soggan makes for the escape
Arthur in rage slays 3 of his opponents
Just as Soggan escapes, Victory to Alec band, the total casualty s on the table were 32
One hell of a fight from start to finish, very enjoyable and again story creating game play. the Wendol were a good complication as your thinking the second the turn starts and will use the idea again in our games...