Wednesday, 29 November 2017

Pulp Lucid and statuesque painted

Been  not well last 5 weeks and  did no hobby related things  but I wont give up and   painted up these miniatures took  maybe 4 times as long, lovely work for lucid eye and statuesque

Thursday, 9 November 2017

Conan and the Alter of Death (pulp Ally AAR)

 After  may reads and again watching Dave's  wonderful videos, I wanted to try the solo deck and the Blood Sacrifice scenario . I had  a Conan league set and  raised a Thusla Doom league to fight them. the scenario i laid out and decided a princess as the victim and major plot point, (my camera took some very bad pictures so below are the best.) The game played very well and I cant   story board the  turns as normal due to the pictures.

 Thusla Dooms  league
 minor plot points
 Conan and friends

 Doom enters the game
 the princess
 sir hiss failed miserably and  lasted like 5 seconds.
 Doom warriors and gang 
 Subotai made short work of them
 Thorsen spent 2 turns stationary.
 Conan and Valeria engaged Rexor over a plot point
 Doom vanquishing the priestess to get his first plot point with ease
 the evil priest had a time on  the second plot point he did his best
 Rexor is downed and his point stolen by Valeria
 at last the  plot point is his

 Alko runs and tries his best but
 is felled
 Turn 5 the  monster turned up almost on top of Conan
 the battle starts and blows are exchanged 
 Valeria joins the frey and still the beast wont fall
 Doom goes for the princes and victory he is stopped by very bad dice rolls and loads of swearing is heard from the princes who resists his attentions
 Aiko and Thorsten dance and fight around the plot point
 the evil priest  steals if  as they fight
 Cona bravely still battles the huge monster
 Subotai tries to stop Doom arrows bouncing off him as he at lest wrestles the princess off the alter 
 he grabs her and makes a run for it
 claws and lades still clash and the heroes fight the  huge thing
the evil priest  succumbs to his adventures and fall flat as Doom escapes off with the prize
Victory to Thusla Doom as Conan is still fighting the  monster. 

Very enjoyable game and the solo deck work, I again apologise fr the poor showing of pictures, but hope it gave some feel to the game. Pulp alley worked fine i did not use the  extras you can from the Leagues book on  Fantasy games but perhaps next time.

thank you Dave for inspiration as always