More 3d prints of the wonderful Trench Crusade miniatures, again brilliant miniatures and a pure joy to paint..
Thursday, 13 March 2025
Monday, 24 February 2025
Oldhammer Battle new ideas?
I have been playing Warhammer since zero, so I do know the rules after huge changes over decades, I like to keep up many, many armies and forces and a vast amount of Battles over time, I looked over the Warhammer Old world rule books, nice publications and took my fancy. I have a large Orc/Goblin army for mass battles Oathmark ,Midguard and Rampant etc so forces were no problem.
I based the Orc Goblins from the Ravaging heroes book and the Humans from my old Warhammer historical Shield wall book, the points looked about right and it was not to be serious. Laid out a GW map tile, and some old Dark ages building random, and rolled for each sides deployment.
The game is surprisingly easy to get back into, both sides move and charge shoot and fight, the human forces were outnumbered by the hordes they faced them off and struck hard the skill and armor giving advantages, again the dice roils made the game, and it made a narrative in its self as the Orcs/ Goblins relentlessly charged and fought loosing fights and there units being wiped out. The Human war masters unit fought off 4 attacks and was suddenly struck in the flank, the war masters unit did not casualty even the man himself striking down none, and the break test roll is shown double 6, so he was wiped out and rolling for the remaining units who all failed the Orc/Goblins won the day.
Fun rules and as in the 1st edition play with what you like and have as long as its fun. Be safe my friends...
Sunday, 16 February 2025
Big Ork, Trench Crusade and some Garthim
Russell printed me for xmas this wonderful Ork Emperor, he is just so full of character and was really fun to paint.
My take on the colors and how I perceived them and some Grimdark for a change...
BMT never stops to make things I cannot resist, the Garthim from the Dark Crystal Movie, great monsters.....
Wednesday, 29 January 2025
One hour Ancient & Medieval skirmish rules game
Sunday, 12 January 2025
Mass Brutality game test and thoughts
I ordered the PDF and a hard copy via his website and read through what was different, it is very different, some ideas make his overview of existing stat's and ideas ex[and to numbers of miniatures playable from infantry, vehicles and monsters all work in a game system, getting my head around the idea I decided to give it a play test.
I have quite a collection of DUNE inspired STL's and these gave me a basis for the stat line and traits, some thing to work from, it actually took less time to make up the units than I thought, and both sides fitted on one page, with the basics sorted I laid out a table using my new 40k kill zone terrain and followed the first scenario.
Working out the points the Imperials were 6 and the Freemen 4 , the game played fast and was fun to play, I did forget a number of things and working out the combat some times stalled, but as I said the game system works. I will sort some more lists and try monsters and other things. If you have played Brutality I recommend this one, or if you want to game with you collection from any period or genere please give it a try..
As always my thought only.
Be safe my friends.