Wednesday, 19 November 2014

Captain Flashheart messing about on the River

 Well today we used the  paddle steamer and wanted to give it a go in our IHMN Alec brought his brits lead by the  honourable Capitan Flashheart and the Serpent pirate queen was again his  foe she was on the tigress and he was on the armed gunboat HMS Victoria 
 The Qeen of the serpents with a large number of her pirate crew captain and sorcerer  make to do battle with the British
 Captain flashheart  his  company and the ships Crew with captian Eddie H on the wheel armed to the teeth seeking revenge for last times carbuncle "All right men, let's do-oo-oo it"
 Able seam men man the guns  as the company make ready for action on the water
 did not have a suitable cloth as we played on a 6 x 4 so it was muddy river time

complications we had crocs and some surprises later on planned
 the Queens ship arrives with her sea serpent pet 
 a gun blast the first shot slays captain Chin
 gunfire from the  steamer rakes the  tigress slaying more
 the 2 vessles try to out manover each other
 the sorceroe falls to a gun shot dead as a door nail
 now the complications arrive dreaded shark men infested waters woken by the gun fore rise to the surface to attack anyone and anything

 a shark man attacks the Victoria intent on a meal
 he rises and climbs on board  attacking the fron gun crew as solders rush to fight it off
 a seaman is shoved over board as he dives out the way of the sharkman the crocs wake up!
 a huge second sharkman attacks the tigress  musket fire having no effect at all
 teeth and bayonet  scuffle on the deck

 the pitates face the huge monster who sweeps the   lot of them back in his wake
 2 pirates are slaughtered  in econds by the hulking monster 
 Capitan Flashheart  attacks with his sable and slays the beast " Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait a minute. Now I may be packing the kind of tackle that you'd normally expect to find swinging about between the hindlegs of a Grand National winner, but I'm not totally stupid. I've got the kind of feeling you'd rather we hadn't come."
 the Victoria trys to get closer to the tigress seeing the battle on the deck they let the shark take care of the pirates for now
 a croc awaits any scraps left if possible
 the last musket man manages to kill the monster after 3 of his conpainons are killed
 the crew of the tigress hide in cover and draw closer to the Victoria seeking the advantage of numbers
 they dash up from the decks below to  charge and board the British ship
 the tigress slams inot the gunboat and they jump
 a pirate is the first now it will come to steel
 the gun boat draws away but  3 make it on board "repel boarders" Eddie shouts
 the other pirates get ready when close
 Flashheart takes them on face to face, pistol and sabre in hand "Enter the man who has no underwear. Ask me why. ? Because the pants haven't been built yet that'll take the job on! "
 her crew now on the gunboat the Queen seeks to  follow 
 bloody hand to hand fighting now  begins  swords and bayonets and pistols all clashing
 the Crocs lide off away  no takeaways today  for them
 the action now  stale mates and the combatants try to out man the other 
 a stray shot fells the Queen still on the Tigress 
 RSM Boradge  bayonets his way past the pirates 
 numbers of boarders start to fall and British take the upper hand
 Flashheart slays the last pirate with his sablre and victory is his
 he boards the tigress to capture the Queen of the Serpents " Right! Let's dig out your best booze and talk about me till the cows come home"! 
Victory " I like it firm and fruity. Am I pleased to see you or did I just put a canoe in my pocket? Down, boy, down."

Great game took some getting used to the ship movement but  as always IHMN is great , really enjoyed, (I hope the quotes did not offend anyone)

Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Mars Attacks, Infinity. Danger 5 and Assassin

 More Mars Attacks characters I have to say they paint up really good
 love spider a gift from a friend
 burning cows and  civilians what more can you ask for
 beautiful Darksword miniature to add to my elite collection  wanted this from first sight
 Crooked dice Danger 5 set well i had to buy them  Hitler and his dog will feature in my games  soon
Start of my Aleph Infinity group delicate stunning minis  a joy to paint

Tuesday, 11 November 2014

100,000 hits thank you !

OK what can I say 100.000 hits on this blog? I enjoy all the postings and insanity I show you with my miniatures battles and  adventures and art work, I smile at the comments and amazed at all the  views on stuff.
People to thank there a few Alec for his company and friendship and the laughs we have, we are a pair of miserable old bastards true so well fitted, Drew what can I say one awesome guy who’s  words inspire,  his mind and  our chats and ideas   shove me on, Simon who is  amazing painter and gamer both are superb  friends, Dave Wood  he actually has  stuff about me on his blog  a true friend and great  guy I had the pleasure to meet him in person this year. Craig Cartmell one of the IHMN  authors he puts my blog on the official site when I show a game  again im amazed anyone wants to see out antics actually most are the mad realms we  live in.

All the designers of the miniatures I love and paint and game designers who make our stuff come alive. The art work, pictures and AARs from other blogs. Too much old art work, novels and comics that inhabit my mind and the RPG characters who will never die,  Kevin Atherton another old  great friend knows what I mean..

And all who come here and look at what I put on thank you so much…..

Monday, 10 November 2014

Mars Attacks painted miniatures

 We had an afternoons entertainment with the Mars Attacks miniatures game and I had to paint them up, Very fun game and loads of game play an excellent product
 Rhe Martians great miniatures the  helmets do finish them off perfect
 Human solders great miniatures
Heroes again superb stuff in the box set