Saturday, 3 December 2016

Box wars part 1 (Dragon Rampant )

 As many know I have a vast collection of miniatures and  wanted for a long time to use  at least some that have never seen the table top. I have a huge Heroclix collection and  file boxes full so ..
Time is with me I  looked over the wonderful Dragon rampart and made up 2 forces from my Heroclix and  Shadowking  file boxes. basic fight scenario on a 3X3
 Shadowkings(Elite foot) force himself, Ro-man (Greater war beast) Deadend (light shooters), Flashman(bellicose foot) and Sir Alec (heavy missiles)
 The Heroclix, Bats (elite foot), Omac, (Elite foot),, Red hood (Light foot/ shoot), She hulk, and Black Swan (Bellacose) 
 The Clix easy move on the table
 Sir Alecls group find there targets in the ruins
 Flashes  gang run to engage
 "Fire at will" (why is it always poor Will) Alecs group spots she hulks group and fires
 3 of she hulks gang are felled she rolls courage and this happens
 Red hood tries to avenge and fails a shoot roll
 Flashman charges in
 he defeats the Red hood who after retreating fails miserabley his courage roll joining She hulk
 Black Swans  group must charge the might Ro-mans gang
 they force them back slaying one of the monsters
 Bats must act and he  charges into Flashman
 Wiping him out
 Black Swan again attacks her group shoving Ro-man back again

 Bats attempts to finish Ro-man but fails and is  himself threw back
 Wolff makes his move battering the  Batman
 he fails and is removed
 Dead end fires at Omac's gang reducing them with very lucky shots
 he falls back retreating and  fails again
Ro-man chases off the  last band, victory to the Shadowking. 

Very  enjoyable little book keeping and it  was what i needed fun. more mad games to come. 

Monday, 28 November 2016

Burning of Prospero painted up so far

 Enjoyed painting up the superb miniatures in the new GW "Burning of Prospero "set, the detail and components are the best so far. here is the Sisters of Silence with great swords and my son commented not only for 30k-40K but would make great fantasy models for games etc. elegant miniatures with loads of style.
 The mighty Custodians huge miniatures with power and  force
 Added to my Sons of Horus army the MKIII space matines in the set , I wanted them as basic Space marines and  15 is a good number.
Size compared to a marine

Monday, 21 November 2016

Blood-Maw, chaos warriors and a Nokiluka, painted up

 Treated myself and  ordered some of the  miniatures from Mierce, I wanted the huge Blood maw for a time and well he is worth it!, hulking monster  great to paint and will feature in my games.

 This one is  a gift from Dave Stone and wargames terrain workshop Nokiluka fantastic and strange enough for my worlds

 Another Mierce miniature  huge  Barbarian, also great to paint 

 Armoured chaos babe which well could not resisit she paints up great as all the line do.
 Chaos warrior type just a great miniature loads of character and attitude.

All painted using Foundry paints and some GW  enjoyable to work on

Saturday, 19 November 2016

200,000 hits on this blog WOW

200,000 hits on this blog of mine,what can I say but thank you to all who view, comment and come for a look see  at my hobby and artwork. I am always astonished at the hits per day, many who come here I now know and some actually meet in  person and call friends,  thank you for  making the time and  my extremely bad spelling worth it. I hope I inspire and  also make you smile.

Be safe my friends

Friday, 18 November 2016

More Crisis painted up (NSFW)

 Finished another batch of my Crisis  miniatures I acquired, here is the free LTD of Matilda excellent miniature 
 More fantastic Elladan minitures excellent fantasy types loads of character in each one
 Wonderful Crooked dice miniatures to my collection perfect sculpts and a joy to paint
 Well Brother Vinnies girls again yes naughty but  perfect miniatures he captures the weight and content of the sculpts. if these offend anyone please don't look.

 fantastic warrior from Vinnie again great pose and  finish.
 and yes I collect the weird but Annie s Guinea pigs were on my list, fun and wil be in my games
Studio miniatures horror range one I had to get