Recived some more Pathfinder reaper miniatures and other bits, love the mimis wish my painitng could do then some justice, also re-based soem old fantasy minis again to add to my collection.
Abouve is the Sorceress /Witch Faiya and her familiar conpanion
Sajan and the cleric Alahazra
The wizard Ezren and the pirate Isabella Locke
Druid Lini and her conpanion Droogami
Seltyel the fighter/evoker/knight
Just had to have this miniature lovley work
Some Games workshop Tomb kings character isaved will be great for my CROM games
Crocodile games big lad
Confrontation huge leader Ogre/Orc
2 more tomb Kings
Confrontation minotaur
These 2 are some of my favorite minis had them along time the ape man is a Ral Partha I think, the deamon is a Dr who miniature which is full of character
They look great mate nice work.