Saturday, 12 November 2016

Crisis painted miniatures so far

 Recovering from the wonderful convention at Antwerp I set about slowly painting up my haul. all painted using mostly Foundry paints here is what so far I have managed to do
 Elladan miniatures some  undead bad guys  lovely miniatures, I have more of there range almost finished will post soon.
 Dice bag lady's fantastic  Phoolen Devil, to me a perfect miniature
 Studio miniatures wonderful Baron, Well i have to have one .

 not Crisis but Ebay buy the young Winston miniature  fromWI
 Had to paint him up first Wargames Terrain workshop Utahraptor superb 
 Not Crisis but finished off Infinity Red Veil  free miniature 
And a mounted  Infinity biker  happy with the end result he looks cool


  1. Very nice work Tony, far quicker than my progress

  2. Fantastic work dude. Love the Phoolen Devil mini very cool. I quite fancy some of the DBL's Soviet infantry as well
