Wednesday 27 October 2021

New miniatures sculpted and painted

 After a long time I decided to make some more miniatures for my collection, inspired by comics and ideas, I made a few and painted them up, Iam happy with the end results..

be safe my friends


  1. Fab work Tony both sculpting and painting!

  2. Great to see you sculpting again Tony

  3. If you hadn't told me you'd made these, I'd be asking where you got them. Fantastic work!

  4. Fantastic to see you sculpting again! That guy with the helmet and big sword looks like it could be inspired by the Dark Arts Studio Pyramid Head Ogre that I brought to BOYL? Great work at any rate!

    Coincidentally, I've just finished painting your Lord of Chaos miniature, which I bought from Foundry at BOYL - also a fine sculpt, great fun to paint!

  5. Great work Tony! (As always!) :-)
