The great Steve Casey of the Oldhammer group sent me a copy of the Rouge trader 40k book, i promised i do some pictures of my old sculpts from long ago, some were cast up some were never cast and used to add to my collection, i thought id share, abouve are 3 fantasy heroes that were cast iand sold in the 80s
5 fantasy heroes made but never cast up
A huge mutant hero again not cast
3 more Fantasy I belive were cast and sold
These were the high command for a range i made of 20 miniatures but the collection has not been seen , I kept these for myself
2 very old Heroes miniatures we sold a heck of alot of the 2 minitatures and were favorites
Again one made but never cast the Death Dealer
3 more fantasy heroes form very long ago , never cast
Bio-san and A-mok both never cast up
I made this but was never paid so i kept it Urko
Part of a SF range i made a 12+ freeman range and about 4 Harkonans , lost never seen this was saved by me
My version of the warhammer 40k Emperor long ago as we all belive GW would never make him, i did have a lesser armour version but i must have sold it .
3 SF character not sold the girl on the end was for a bubblegum crisi i made the suits and unarmoured females I saved only this one